Wednesday, February 4, 2009

In a rut....and working on it!

I decided that I am officially just a month behind on the whole new year's resolution thing. I got myself into some sort of a rut this past month it seems so I know I have been slacking a little on things that are important to me. It seems sometimes when you have a lot on your mind it is easy to just get in a rut! So here is to my New February Resolution...between keeping my diabetic issues in check, working out, balancing my checkbook regularly, keeping the house picked up, reading my scriptures, blogging, amongst other things...I should stay plenty busy! Or at least get back to my normal busy routine. Wish me luck!

Blog entries SHOULD follow....if I tell everyone maybe I will stick to it!


Kati said...

sierra I didnt know you were a diabetic? when did you find out?

Crandalls said...

yeah...I was diagnosed almost two years ago now. We actually figure I probably started to get it in high school but it was not bad enough for me to notice until I got really sick for several months shortly after Dan and I were married. I handle it pretty well now but it is really easy to slip on my eating habits since it is not a diet I grew up having to follow.