Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Campin' in New Jersey

So I've been single for a week now while Dan has been enjoying camping in New Jersey....he has spent his days kayaking, hiking, eating smores.......

He wishes! In reality Dan had to go on a TDY for work, which is similar to a business trip for those not into the Air Force lingo....They are doing what is called a "Bare Base" exercise, which is basically playing pretend all week long! They pretended the invaded a foreign country, set up a temporary camp site, and are living like they are in the desert for a week. They were told to bring lots and lots of baby wipes....

Dan got recruited to a cook turns into a security guard I will never know...but that's what he has been up to. When the first arrived they had to work the first full 24 hours and then are on 12 hour shifts the remaining time of camp. He told me as he was leaving last week that they have pretend attackers that try to come into the camp. They were taught all the official things to do and say in order to keep the camp "safe". He said they would even have vests (similar to laser tag vests) that light up when you are shot in case they get shot by the enemy or have to shoot the enemy themselves. I asked Dan if he got "shot" if that means he doesn't have to work the rest of the week, he said no. Actually, in his training the addressed that subject, guess a lot of people have asked that before.

So anyways, in order to keep things official for the week cell phones have been banned. They stated that if you had invaded a foreign country and were setting up camp you wouldn't be able to contact family....well DUH! There wouldn't be a way to do that. But anyways, my point being I haven't talked to him at all since the exercise started. Everything I have written about is stuff he told me would take place during the week...This past week has been a long week for me, to say the least. There has been a lot that has happened both at work and home that I could have used him for, but I am sure his week has been just as interesting as mine!

Last year he did a similar exercise he had to wear a ton of war zone gear that was very hot and heavy. I know he had to bring all that with him this year as well, but at least New Jersey should be a little cooler than Louisiana was in the dead of summer last year! Last year he definitely was glad to have the exercise over with. They constantly did pretend as if the base had been bombed or something. They would have to put on their gas masks and stay put inside until the raid was over with. Last year he was heading to the bathroom as one took place. He had to hurry back inside and put on his mask and stay still for like 2 hours...he wasn't pleased to say the least!


Anonymous said...

LOL, yeah when Seth was in AOBC he did a training exercise that took 2 weeks and we didn't talk at all during that time, mind you this was when he and I FIRST got married. I thought I'd DIE! Well hindsight, I'd take 2 weeks of not talking to him, knowing he's safe over a deployment any day! Funny how weird our lives are? Aren't our men so cute in their uniforms? He he he.

Anonymous said...

Dan, can the hat come down a little?