As many of you have probably heard before Dan and his mom share a birthday. His younger brother's birthday is the day before. This year we decided the best way to celebrate was to just do all three together at our house!

Birthday Girl (#1)

Birthday Boy (#2)

Birthday Boy (#3)

Cami and Andrew came to celebrate as well! Mike and Natalie too...not sure why I don't have a picture of them.

We gave Jordan a Jon Bytheway book on CD

I made Dolores an Apron and Oven Mitt

Dan got skittles from Andrew

Yard stuff from his parents

and a BBQ from me! I had an extremely busy school schedule this summer so this gift was the perfect thing! Not only did he want it but it gave him an easier way to help with cooking dinner each night while I was in class.

The 3 cakes...

Singing happy birthday!
We celebrated his birthday the following Sunday with my family. My parents made a great meal for him and spoiled him to death as well! If I only would have taken pictures for you to see...
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