Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Your Gonna Miss These Days.......

So I am quite curious as to how many people are actually checking our blog.... especially since I really haven't done too much with it. Someday I would like to make it all fancy and such and hopefully post more often....but life doesn't seem to leave much time for that lately. Anyway....let me know if you are checking it! More motivation for me to find the time to update it. Although....I would like to have an up to date blog even just for Dan and I.

I haven't been the best at journal writing for quite some time now (except when Dan was deployed...I did great at it then). I seem to get busy with our every day life and often forget or feel like we don't have anything exciting going on...when in reality I know better than that. I love going back and reading old journals of mine or scrapbooks and seeing memories of things long forgotten. My sister in law, Kristen, was recently telling me about a new favorite country song of hers. I am not much into country so I have never actually heard the song but I LOVED the main line from it that she shared with me….”Your going to miss these days.”

I absolutely love that quote and I have been trying to use it to keep my life in balance. Some days I am sick of my job, sick of the Air Force, sick of Dan going to school, sick of missing family in Utah, or stressed about this or that, etc…but I know some day I am really going to miss my life here in Louisiana as a newlywed. I don’t want to look back and feel like I have wasted my time now wishing for what the future would bring. I want to live in the present and love the present…no matter what situation I am currently facing in life.

There are so many memories from my childhood, college, and even when we were first married that are long forgotten. I want to do better, so someday when our lives are totally different than what they are today…I have something to look back on and read to bring back fond memories….I want something for our future posterity to read as well, so they can know what our life was like. So thus, there is the very reason I have a goal of keeping an updated blog.

So here is my challenge to anyone reading this….if I forget to post in awhile…remind me to! I am already starting to get better at taking pictures (I took some of us bowling the other night that I need to post). Tonight we have a combined young men and young women boating activity….and this weekend Dan’s Dad, Paul, and his wife, Donna are coming to visit for the 4th of July. As well as her daughter, Angel, and fiancĂ©, Shawn. So I SHOULD have plenty of pictures to post and things to write about!!!!!!


Amber Shellabarger said...

You can count me as a true blog stalker of yours. There is also a way to check and see how many hits you get and from what area by going into your profile (I think that is where it is) If nothing else use it as a journal. That is what inspired me to keep up on mine.

Kristen Crandall said...

I will check in on you periodically. I usually try to leave a comment when I do. I am looking forward to pictures from the 4th. 10 days till Spencer comes home!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll be reading it now that I know it exists!