Friday, July 18, 2008

Yet another 5k..........

Dan ran a 5k on base this morning (or as close as the base seems to get to a 5k, it is actually about a ¼ mile short). I always enjoy watching him run, just wish I wasn’t the only person there to watch the races! There was actually quite a big turnout of runners to this one (several hundred), but they are still lacking on having an audience.

Dan did a really good job. He came in at 16:40, right behind Chief Cooley. As you may remember me saying before, anyone who beats the Chief gets one free day of leave. Last month at the base 5k Dan came in second as well, then at the firecracker run he beat Chief but it didn’t count because it was off this month once again he didn’t get a free day either! Oh well! There is always next month…I am glad he just enjoys running as much as I enjoy watching the races.

Dan negotiating with Chief for a free day of leave....

not really but he did joke about it



My hair looks a litle orange in the picture, I know. The sun was shining on it weird plus it has gotten bleached a bit from being out in the sun. Someone asked if we are not allowed to be touching on base. It is true, Dan can't hold my hand in uniformbut we can be closer than we are in the picture. The only reason we are so far away here is becuase he was too sweaty I wouldn't let him near me!


Jenni said...

lol, that would be me! i like a stinky man sometimes!

Chalen said...

The blog list on mine is the newer version of bloggers blog list. They added it in June I think. If you click on Add a page element, the blog list is on the top left. Then you can click on what you want it to show-recently updated, title of most recently updated, etc. I have mine set to only show when it was updated.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that a lot of guys don't follow that rule? It's really hard for me to see a chick and her man cuddling and holding hands while her man is in his bdu's. It's really annoying and I am always half tempted to set them straight, but then I put myself in place and realize that as long as I am not doing it with Seth when he's in uniform then that's all that matters. I can't believe he runs so much! Good for him! Your hair looks great by the way.