Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Okay so I am a little behind on updating our blog… I will see how far I can get today but no guarantees! So 2 weeks ago we went bowling with some of our really good friends, Jeremy and Mallory, for Family Home Evening…we had a great time despite our lack of bowling skills:) Dan was funny…he was bowling horribly up until the very end when he miraculously got several strikes in row. His score was 37 and then he jumped up to win the game with an 86. He was so proud of himself…you would have thought he won the bowling equivalent of the NBA championships or something:) Gotta love him….me on the other hand…my game just got worse as I went so I can’t say much.

Anyways, so we took pictures of the monumentous event of Dan winning the game…actually winning both games we played! The saddest part about the whole night is that none of our scores were that high….probably almost anyone else in the world could have beat us! But to Dan’s credit…he still did get first place, no matter the odds!

funny boy....gotta love 'em!

If you can't see that well...Dan is the second row down with an 86,
and me with a whoppin' 61!

1 comment:

Desirae Badger said...

Nice watermelon, Dan! That bowling ball totally looks like a huge fatty watermelon! How funny!