Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Girls Camp!

This past week I went to girls camp. For those of you who don’t know Dan and I are both currently working with the youth in the ward and we LOVE IT! So Dan was able to go to scout camp about a month ago (I will try to talk Dan into posting about that in the near future…) and I was able to go to a portion of girls camp.

Because the size of the church is so small here they only do Stake Girls Camp. We had three girls from our ward that attended as well as the young women’s president and I. It was a really great experience minus the awful bugs, heat, and humidity. Girls camp in Utah is way better for the single reason that there is no humidity so it actually cools down at night. Camping out in the wilderness for several days like that sure makes you grateful for all the conveniences of living in an air-conditioned building with a shower and toilet! Coming back to my comfortable bed was definitely my favorite part though:)

Despite all my complaints I was grateful to be able to go to camp with these girls. Most of the girls in the Stake are the only LDS at their school. So girls camp is the one time of the year where they get to be surrounded by friends of the same faith for several days. For many of them it gives them the strength to make it through the next school year until they can gather again. This year they mixed up all the leaders and girls in different tents. So all the girls I worked with were from different wards than I was. At first I was a little sad that I didn’t get to spend as much time with my girls as I would have liked but I saw how good of an experience it was for them. They were all able to make new friends and gain a stronger support system. My testimony was definitely strengthened by the example of these girls. I often find it difficult as an adult to be so different than most everyone I associate with on a daily basis. I can’t imagine the difficulties these girls face as youth. They are strong girls and I look up to them for the courage they have.

Jaclyn, Cady, Kayla, Sister Bates, & I

Bishop and his wife came up for testimony meeting...
you can easily tell who they are since they look
well groomed unlike us campers who hadn't taken
a shower in a few days....

1 comment:

Amber Shellabarger said...

Nic and I were both in the ym and yw before they split our ward a few month back and now we are not and we were really sad until we realized we didn't have to go to camp and youth conference as our vacations. Not bathing for a week does not realy appeal to me either but I know you gain so much being apart of those kinds of activities.