Thursday, August 7, 2008

Back to reality......:)

Well for those that didn't know...we went to Utah for a week for Dan's brother's wedding (explanation for the lack of blogging...). It was great to spend time with family and friends for the week. It will probably take me several posts to catch everyone up on our be patient with me! As for now I just wanted to let everyone know we didn't fall off the planet, just feels like it! Dan came home on Friday morning because he had to be back from school. I was supposed to return Sunday night but after SEVERAL cancelled flights I finally made it home Tuesday night (it was fun to be able to spend extra time with family but felt like I was on the movie "Groundhog Day"...kept on repeating the same day over and over again. Rueben kept on teasing me and saying lines from the movie all night Monday night after yet another cancelled flight). Yesterday at work was a really LONG day to say the least after being gone. From there we went straight to YM/YW. We took all the youth bowling on base. It was really fun. Now I am back to work again and the exhaustion seems to finally be hitting me....afraid if I even close my eyes for a second I might fall asleep:)

More posts to follow....hopefully I will be caught up with it all by the end of the weekend!