Monday, August 18, 2008

Our Utah Trip

I am finally posting about Utah....I know I said I would do it a few weekends ago but life seems to be passing too quickly and I keep on getting more and more behind. Our home computer wasn't working for a few weeks and I was finally able to fix it this past weekend. So between having no home computer and being too busy to do it at work during my lunch, I just haven't posted for awhile:) So anyways, I figured I would at least try to do a few postings this morning. (minus pictures because I accidentally left my purse at home this morning, which has the camera in it...annoying to say the least!!!!!!!!!!)

Okay, so we went to Utah a few weeks ago for Andrew's, Dan's brother, wedding. We got there on a Saturday and became wedding plan/prep assistant's (for the most part....) for the weekend up until the wedding on Tuesday. It was a tiring weekend but we were glad to help and enjoyed being near family. The wedding was great, we enjoyed the day and were excited to be able to be a part of the wedding celebration. Donna, my mother-in-law, Angel and Kristen (two of my sister-in-laws), and I all enjoyed being able to dress up and FINALLY wear the dresses we all stressed over finding:) I enjoyed being all fancy and look forward to wearing my outfit again (yes again...I spent too much on it just to wear it once) at Angel's wedding in November. Overall, the wedding was a great day, tiring to say the least, but I always enjoy participating in weddings now just as much as I did as a little girl when I looked forward to and schemed about my own wedding someday.

After the wedding was over we made a hasty decision and changed Dan's flight plan to stay a few extra days. He originally was supposed to leave the morning after the wedding to head back home for work and school. But since we hadn't really had a chance to relax with family yet he decided to stay a few extra days. Wednesday we spent the morning with the Crandall family eating free breakfast at the Holiday Inn and that evening with the Jasmers playing killer new obsession! Kristen has been trying to convince me to learn the game for quite some time now and I have always cringed at the idea. Well this time when I was asked I finally gave in and joined the game and ended up falling in love with it. I bought the game shortly thereafter but haven't had a chance to play it since we got is constantly on my mind though!

Thursday I was able to spend some one-on-one time with my mom and Dan spent the morning with his two younger brothers, while everyone else was at work. That night we spent time with my family. My mom and I put together a full Chinese dinner, chopsticks included. It was fun to just be able to spend time with my family, visiting, relaxing, laughing, etc...something I miss.

Dan left first thing Friday morning in order to make it back to Louisiana in time for class that night. His flight ended up being delayed enough that he missed the beginning of his class but it wasn't a big issue. I stayed a few extra days, enjoying time with both families. After going to church with my family and a quick dinner on Sunday I was scheduled to fly home...but my flight got cancelled. I really wasn't all that annoyed because I was sad to say goodbye and had a good excuse to visit longer. So my dad took work off on Monday and we schedule a daddy-daughter date. It was a great morning and I wouldn't have missed it for the world! We went up to Park City and he took me to lunch and we did a little shopping. That has always been a favorite place of mine to go because of all the memories as a child I have there.

As my dad and I arrived at the airport for my departure we waited in a long, long line for a long, long time for me to be checked in. When I got to the front I found out that my flight had been cancelled yet I went home for another night with my family. My mom and brother were very surprised, to say the least, when I walked in the door that night!

By this point I was getting a little annoyed just because I knew I was missing work yet another day but I still won't complain, I enjoyed the extra time with family once again:) My brother was teasing me all night about me being just like the guy on the movie "Groundhog Day", where he keeps on living the same day over and over again. He kept on quoting lines from the movie and asking me if my life felt just like that....and actually it kinda did! But living the "Groundhog" life quickly ended the next morning when I FINALLY flew home to Shreveport after trying for 3 days with no avail. I was sad to say "see you soon" to my family once again but I think my husband was glad to have me home after my little adventure!

We spent the remainder of the week trying to catch up with our lives here in Louisiana and are back to being Cajun Crandalls again (for now at least....until Utah calls our name again this December for Mike's (Dan's brother) Homecoming).

1 comment:

Amber Shellabarger said...

Jessica from the bank got me to play killer bunnies with her once. She is obbsessed with the game too but I never caught that bug.