Some of the pictures actually took place before our last day at Disneyland (which was in the last post), but I at least included them here:)
Daphne and Zoey helped Dan dig a hole big enough that when the girls were in it you couldn't see them. Daphne would "help" put dirt back in by the shovel full while Zoey would run 20 feet away, grab a handful of sand, and run back to put it in the the hole.
Daphne had so much sand stuck to her that it looked like she was wearing dark skinned nylons. Haha.
Left: Daphne in her princess cape I made for her. Right: Daphne learned how to use the cameras on our phone while on the trip. She spent a lot of time taking pictures while we were driving....we had hundreds of pictures of the floor, but she happened to take a few decent ones of herself as well.
On our last night together, we had a yummy dinner, Mickey Mouse dessert waffles, and a fun Disney Scene It competition! I also presented the winning Amazing Race team with their medals (since I forgot to bring them to Disneyland on race day...)
A few of the cute cousins before they had to say goodbye
Saturday morning, everyone parted ways. Most left early while our family and Andrew's family tried to postpone the ending of the vacation as long as we could. We drove by the beach for the last time and went out to lunch. Unfortunately, our procrastinating lead to an awfully long drive home (we got stuck in hours of standstill traffic throughout) but it was nice to have a few more hours of vacationing first:)
At lunch:
Daphne and Boston were especially sad to say goodbye. It's a good thing they only live about 20 minutes from each other! I love seeing Daphne being so close to him. They make a great team.
Can't wait for our next Crandall Family Vacation in 3 years!
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