Wednesday, July 30, 2014

September Fun

Mommy Daphne taking her baby for a walk. A "walk" includes lots of frustration for both Mommy Daphne and me, but we survive since she loves it so much. It can take easily a half hour to move 3 houses between having to adjust the baby= temper tantrum, the stroller not moving perfectly straight = temper tantrum, to me adjusting the stroller for her = temper tantrum... etc, etc. but she sure does love walking her baby, so walking we go!

 Daphne also had her friend, Ada, over to play one morning while her mommy was at the doctor. They had fun watching Curious George together in my bed and later watching a movie and eating popcorn like "big girls".

We also had a fun day with Grandma feeding the ducks. One of the geese tried to eat Daphne too. We couldn't believe how feisty they were that day!

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