Friday, January 17, 2014


Just some fun pictures to wrap up April.
We went to lunch with Dan's cousins wife,
 Kristen, and kids, Zoe and Boedi

Daph went through a very bad crazy morning hair phase...
well, she still has crazy hair, but not quite as extreme!

Daph giving my dog, Angus, loves. She loves my parents dogs.
Angus is now in Heaven and we sure do miss him!

Daph also loves the dogs in our neighborhood. To say she is a fan of animals would be an understatement. We have four neighbor backyards that touch ours and all of them have doggies. We spent lots of hours this Spring and Summer visiting them. This was the first time she got brave enough to go see them. She started off just watching from the deck and then kept crawling closer and closer!
We found a fun duck pond to visit by our house.

We also took Daphne to the Treehouse Museum for the first time.
She loves to ride the horsies there. We have been multiple
times since as it's free for military in the summer.
I will have to do a post with all the pictures of her on the horsie each
 time we went to show how much she has grown in such a short time!
Dan and Daphne at the Treehouse Museum

Daph has loved for Boston to push her around in his firetruck for months.
She finally got brave enough to push him! It was cute
watching how hard of work it was for our little girl to
push her football built cousin:)

Daph and I dyed Easter Eggs with Grandma Black....
or rather Grandma and I dyed the eggs while Daphne
attempted to splash in all the cups of dye!

One day I walked away for two seconds.... and found Daph playing
the piano! She couldn't even walk at this point
but knows how to get what she wants. She pushed
her duck toy up to the chair. Climbed on the duck, then the chair,
and eventually even climbed onto the keys and sat on them and played.

Our sunglass lovin' diva

One of my favorite pictures of her! She joined Dan and I, my mom,
Mary Deaton, and Dana Cooper for a trip to Temple Square. She stayed with Dan
while the girls went to the Temple and then we switched.

We also went to "This is the Place" with Dolores, Gabe, Cami, and Boston. We had so much fun! We rode the train twice around the pond, rode the trolley around the town, and visited all the babies at the petting zoo. She had zero fear of all the animals and even took a few wobbly steps on her own in order to get closer to them! We look forward to being able to go back sometime again! 

Daph and I on the train
Daph loved sticking her head out the window on the trolley

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