Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Crazy Thursday

Last Thursday a few interesting things happened.....

1-Dan got a TB test at work. It came back as positive exposure which is REALLY crazy. He was supposed to get a chest xray at work on Friday but the office was closed when he went. Hopefully he will get one today. He sure isn't sick....so I highly doubt he has TB but he may still have at least exposure to it and have to take meds for awhile. They also said it could be an allergic reaction so we will see! Neither of us really think it will amount to anything but it was sure added to our crazy Thursday!

2-I started to go into Anaphylactic Shock. Crazy, I know. I got an allergy shot a few hours before and didn't think anything of it because I have never had an severe problems beyond growing upside down muscles (that is what my dad calls my arms when they swell and sag from my shots...lol). Well...while I was at the store with my mom (thank goodness!) I started to get this really bad rash all over my body. It was growing quite rapidly and my ears and back of my neck got really hot and red. Well I decided to be on the safe side and call my doctor. I never would have guessed that he would tell me I needed to come in right away! While on the way there I started to get really hot and have a little bit trouble breathing...when I got there he had like 6 meds all lined up for me to take. I had to stay for a little while to have my heartbeat, blood pressure, and throat monitored but it quickly went all away thanks to the meds. I was just thrilled we were so close to the office and that my mom was there to help...if not I would have had to use my epi-pen which scares me a little. Anyways, all is fine and well now. They are just going to take my shots a little more slowly and told me to always make sure my epi-pen is with me.

3-Now for the not-so-crazy and not medical related stuff. It's EXCITING stuff too! Dan got a new job! He applied for a job on base at the fitness center to work as a active duty reserves employee. On Thursday he was offered the job and as of today he has officially accepted and will be starting work on Sunday. We are excited for the job because we will get the perks of active duty again without him having to deploy or move regularly (although he can volunteer for these things if he chooses to do so). He is excited to finally get to work in the gym (he had hoped to the whole time he was active duty) and we will have our good medical insurance back which will save us a bit of money! His hours may not be any better than they are at the jail now but he will be much happier I think.

4-We went house hunting and saw lots of houses that we liked! I actually enjoyed it....it wasn't as stressful and upsetting as it was the week before. Guess we are officially over loosing our last house. We actually put an offer on house #3 Friday morning that didn't work out, which is fine:) There were few others from Thursday we still like as well. So here's to hoping that #4 will be the new lucky number!


Megan said...

What's the MLS # on the forth house?? I hope it goes through!

Jenni said...

Crazy stuff indeed! Now see, if you were still in Louisiana, you would have been with me when you went into shock, and with all my loverly training, I could have practiced what I know on you! Ok, that sounded a bit weird. Glad you and Dan are okay. Tell Dan I am happy for him, that is exactly where he needs to be working! Good luck on the house hunting..I know you will find something soon!

Jamon, Meaghan, Molly, and David said...

WHEW! That was a crazy Thursday! And I am TERRIFIED of epi-pens!!! I don't have allergies but a good friend of mine from high school did and that thing just creeped me out! Glad you didn't have to use it!