Between living with parents and having Kristen here at the same time as us, it almost seemed like we were on vacation instead of actually living here! We are always visiting at the same time, staying at parents houses, not working.... the only difference being we are actually staying this time!
One day we took Abby, Aidan, and Gabe to the pool. Dan went out in the deep end with the older kids while Aidan and I hung out. He was quite a handful but I loved it! He is at a really cute age right now. He was scared of the big water to an extent so we spent lots of time playing follow the leader. I followed him as he walked across the shallow part of the pool, up the steps, across the hot cement (where he kept on trying to run, which after telling him not to would turn into a hop/skip sort of movement..), back down the stairs, and back into the pool. After awhile we added me carrying him to the deep end and back as part of our workout. Towards the end of our pool adventure the small pool finally opened and all of us were able to relax together in "safer" water.
Afterwards the kids came back to our house to play for a few hours. We love hanging out with them as much as they look forward to seeing "uncle".
A few days later we got to take Abby and Aidan out for another day full of adventure. Dan's brother, Jordan, works at Lagoon so we were able to go for $10 a person on family day. Dan's mom, his brothers, our sister-in-law, and a few nieces and nephews were able to come. We had a great time. For most of the day Dan and I stayed with Abby and Aidan and once my sister-in-law, Cami, came she joined me and Dan was able to go with the big kids on a few rides.