Friday, December 12, 2008

Trees Galore!

Right before we left to go out of town for Thanksgiving I spent a busy few days setting up lots of Christmas trees! Dan and I wanted to set up our Christmas tree before we left so we could enjoy it for as long as possible since we wont be home for Christmas this year.

Our Tree...

I love many of you know. So our tree is red & retro green. I have about 8 frog ornaments right now and want to collect one each year.

Dan's basketball penguin ornament. We each get an ornament every year and this is what I choose for him. He has a smores basketball for last year and a frog basketball for the year before.

We also have a few alligators on our tree!
Last weekend my friend, Jenni, helped me make these Christmas blocks. I have done lots of projects for others with my vinyl machine but never get mine done so she helped me finish my first project! I am hoping to make a stocking board before Christmas as well but we will see!

I also decorated our apartment window since we don't have a house to put lights on!

Jenni and I also set up the two Christmas trees at the firm before Thanksgiving. The are a little scraggly...but that's what you get when you work with a firm full of boy attorneys who don't get the reason why you would spend money to decorate!

I also brought up this little tree for us to put in the receptionist area. One of the attorneys called it our "Charlie Brown" Which is quite accurate...Dan and I bought this tree for our first Christmas for like $10 because that was all we could afford!:)


Deaton Adventures said...

I love reading about all the fun you two are having! What a fun Thanksgiving trip. I love the trees, we don't have anything like that at our office, but we do have a wreath hanging up so at least that is something!

Julie said...

I love your frog ornament. Sooo cute!