Friday, December 19, 2008

Probably my #1 "Sierra Moment" of the year....

So speaking of having a bad day at work on Wednesday....Thursday seemed to be even worse. It really wasn't that bad now that I look back but it sure was stressful during the process.

One of the Attorneys had a trial to go to this morning. So yesterday there was lots of scrambling...he was in a bad mood as well as his secretary. Anyway, his secretary was having a hard time getting everything done so I offered to help make copies of all these photos for her. This is normally not my job, but I was trying to be nice so I offered. While making copies one of the original photos fell in between the wall and a a desk that is built into the wall. There was the teeniest, tiniest crack and somehow that stupid photo just happened to fall in it.

Long story short...we had to have that photo. The secretary freaked out, the attorney freaked out, and I spent most of the remainder of my day trying to get that stupid photo out. I called the company that owns the building. They sent maintenance up here to look at it who then told us they couldn't tear it out without the property manager's permission, who just happened to be in a meeting. It got to the point that Jimmy, the attorney, told me he was going to demo the whole wall if someone from the realty company didn't do something about it within the hour. Right in the nick of time...the company sent up 3 guys that they hired from outside the office to help with the ordeal. They had to take out the built-in, get the picture, and then put it all back together again....

To say the least...I am glad that is over with and I just might not offer to ever help anyone again! Just kidding...but boy is it tempting after yesterday.....

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