On the Saturday before Mother's Day (May 12th) we had quite the exciting day! Dan participated in a relay run that morning with a friend from his Reserves Unit and two other guys his friend knew. The relay race started at Gardner Village along the Jordan River and eventually connected to the bike Trail along Legacy Highway that connects all they way by our house. Each of them ran two legs. Dan's legs were the longest and he ran about a half marathon between them both. Their team did AMAZING! They technically came in 4th but in our books they came in first! They were in first place for quite awhile but due to poor trail markings one of them took a wrong turn and it cost them 20 minutes. If it weren't for that they would have easily been in first place. I was very proud of all of them! The best part was being able to put Daphne in the stroller and just walk up the road a little bit to see them at the finish line.
Just a few minutes before we left to walk up to the race finish line I decided to force Daphne to do a little tummy time...to say she hates it would be an understatement. She seemed to be in a fairly good mood and wasn't too spitty (man, having a kid with really bad Acid Reflux makes tummy time impossible some days!) so I decided to give it a try. I was shocked to see her happy and making cute faces so I decided to quickly capture a few pictures! She usually either a) spits up... b) cries until she stops breathing.... or b) puts her head on her arms and sucks her fist and refuses to lift her head. Little did I know she had a surprise in store for me....
Showing off her skills! |
I looked away for a split second and next thing I knew she was rolling over!!! I was lucky to actually capture a picture of her rolling for the first time! I figure that Daphne was only tolerating tummy time because she had a secret up her sleeve...she knew as soon as I turned my back she would just get right off her tummy:) Such a cute stubborn girl! It made my day to say the least. Perfect early Mother's Day gift. Tummy time is even harder now because she either does one of the options I listed above or just rolls instantly over so she doesn't have to do it. As I see it, if she is strong enough to roll over than I guess we are doing something right!
On a side note...I was very grateful for such a fun day prior to Mother's Day but in the end the gift I was given on Mother's Day was even better. Long story short....Daphne ended up catching the stomach flu and spent the day throwing up on Sunday and gave us quite the scare. We ended up at the After Hours Clinic and then were sent to the ER for additional testing to make sure everything was alright. At first I was a little sad that my first Mother's Day was such a rough one and I felt so bad for my sweet baby girl...but in the end I love how I came to the realization that nothing could make me happier and more grateful than the gift of getting to be a mom to such a healthy little girl. It didn't matter that we missed out on all the fun family celebrations, all that mattered was that Daphne was well and we are happy to report that she is back to her normal self!
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